
Made with good soup.
2024 ©

Inclusive healthcare for every body.


Role: UX Designer
Type: App Concept
Company: CareerFoundry
ProblemLGBTQ+ populations in the United States face significant hurdles to accessing inclusive healthcare. Many have difficulty finding providers who are informed about their needs, encounter discrimination from providers, or even delay healthcare due to fear and concerns.GoalConnect LGBTQ+ individuals with inclusive healthcare and resources to help alleviate the stress of navigating an already fragmented healthcare system.


Having experienced how difficult it was to find inclusive healthcare in a new city, I knew I couldn’t be an isolated example. After talking to several friends about this they, too, echoed my frustrations.

User InterviewsI connected with 12 members of the LGBTQ+ community to conduct user surveys and interviews to gather data around the successes and pain points regarding their healthcare. Surveys were sent out via Google Forms, then interview sessions were conducted to gain more insight and foster an organic conversation around healthcare. 

Key Takeaways
  • 67% don’t have explicitly LGBTQ-focused healthcare providers
  • 75% felt nervous being open about their sexual identity with their providers
  • 92% were unaware of any LGBTQ+-focused health apps
  • 92% did not mind having another app to track their health (as long as it were inclusive)
  • 100% felt good healthcare for LGBTQ+ folks is difficult to come by

“I feel like I’m coming out every time I see a new provider.”
“I can never find updated resources to find LGBT-friendly providers.”
“My doctor seems uncomfortable answering my questions about sexual health.”

Affinity Mapping
I invited several individuals to participate in an affinity mapping session. This allowed me to dig into the feedback gathered through generative research to find constants and themes in how individuals feel about taking care of their healthcare.


With all of the generative research previously done, I was able to start ideating and getting some tangible frameworks put in place. Based on the previous research, I chose the following features to start designing around:
  • Ability to search for providers
  • Health resources (articles) specific to LGBTQ+ health
  • Prescription tracker
User Flows
Paper Prototyping
